Tuesday 17 September 2013


Why is it necessary to reinvent the wheel every time a person is not happy with a group or committee or even industry body? Why can the old or current body not be fixed, amended or corrected? Is it a matter of leadership? I am so tired of the whole out with the old in with the new scenarios being played out on social media, politics and in Australian agriculture on a daily basis. 

We are becoming a society of serial wasters, be it white goods, computers, food or people. It appears slightly broken so let’s dump it and start out again.

Why is there not more focus on building strong but flexible leaders in our schools? Leaders whose skills make them open and accountable rather than dictorial and close minded. Leaders whose skills are those of inclusion and courage. Leaders who can see the benefits to all arguments, but are also not afraid to point out the pitfalls and move to a better solution.  Leaders who inspire those under their care and command to grow and evolve rather than devolve into paranoid seething masses. 

There are some of those special people around, but often you don’t have them pegged as a leader. They are not self-promoting or self-serving. They do not talk about I. Everyone will know one. That person who has an aura that draws many different people to them. The person who has that innate ability to tolerate everyone with all their individual flaws and brilliance and has a varied and eclectic mix of friends. The person who doesn’t leave people out in the cold. The person that others gravitate towards. The person that does not merely talk about things but is actually out there doing the things themselves. That person that makes others want to be a better person. 

These are the people we need out there in our political parties, industry bodies and committees. These are the people who will take the time to listen to all the ideas put forward and build them into better ideas by inclusion and discussion. These are the people who act in the interest of democracy as a whole. These are the people who can listen to issues but resolve them through effective inclusive communication. These are the people who will ensure things move forward and people grow to their full potential.

We don’t need wolves or peacocks, show ponies or foxes. We need a good solid people who have the ability to unite, inspire and achieve.

Remember there is no I in team.