Thursday 9 May 2013

Cruelty acceptable to further agenda

This is something I wrote a few days ago....................

It appears that further acts of cruelty in one of our live export markets (this time Egypt) have been identified. They are unspeakable and terrible and I find it hard to believe humans are capable of such cruelty. I also find it extremely appalling that some of this footage was shot in October 2012 and some in April 2013.

I am not going to condone this in any shape or form. I do not care if they are Australian animals or Egyptian or Somali. All animals of every nationality deserve to be treated with the highest level of animal welfare including at the point of slaughter. I would to know the following however:
  • 1. Why are we only hearing about it now?
  • 2. Why when you witness these terrible acts, and take the time to film them (without stepping in at any point to suggest it is wrong) do you then not immediately do anything?
  • 3. Why do you not immediately take the footage to the authorities so it can be acted upon straight away?
  • 4. How can you sit on the footage knowing full well that more of the same could be occurring in the following months, more animals suffering unnecessarily?
  • 5. Surely by reporting such an incident in October 2012 there is a good chance the second incident April 2013 would not have occurred?
I give you the following reasons for being able to film such cruelty and wait 7 months before approaching authorities………….
  • 1. We have an election coming up and the likes of Animals Australia want to bring Live Export into the forefront as an election issue especially since both parties have said they will not ban it permanently.
  • 2. The general public understand that industry has been very proactive and addressed many issues in our Live Export markets. They also understand that by Australia being present in these markets and educating them, introducing technologies and improving infrastructure we make a difference not only to the welfare of Australian animals, but all animals. Animal activists want to shock people into changing their beliefs. They give the impression this happens everywhere all the time. They receive donations to assist them in their advertising campaigns. All money that does not directly reach or benefit a single animal and its welfare as they are not about animal welfare, but rather animal rights which are two totally different things.
  • 3. And finally the ultimate agenda held by Animals Australia………..veganism for all. They are setting about to change the consumers views through scaremongering and misinformation in all livestock industries, from dairy to pork to chicken to beef to sheep.
I am not asking you to condone the cruelty or even to support Live Exports, but I am asking you to think about how those who film these acts are benefiting from the very same cruel acts. We have seen awards, monetary gain for groups and publicity all off the back of the cruelty filmed in the past. If they were not intent on gaining something they would be reporting it immediately, not 7 months later

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